November 25, 2011

Life and Marriage

Marriage…it’s not easy! I think if you were to ask a lot of married people, many of them would say the same. Staying in the marriage and making it work really requires hard work and lots of sacrifices and compromises. I can say that because that’s what we’re experiencing right now. My husband and I have been married for seven months now and I must say those seven months have opened our eyes to the reality that marriage isn’t easy.

Imagine two individuals with different personalities, temperaments, likes and dislikes living under the same roof day in and day out! Conflict is bound to happen sooner or later. I guess ours happened sooner! These past seven months had been difficult. And I have to be honest, there were instances when my patience became so worn to the core and my love was really put to the test, I really felt like giving up. At times I’m not really sure where we’re going and it really makes me sad. But those are the bad days. There are good days as well when I feel like we can really do this and we’re both happy and we jive in the things we want to do and achieve.  But I know now ours is a work-in-progress. There are good days and bad days. As they say, the first year is the most difficult year of all because of the adjustments that have to be made!

And since my husband and I both have stubborn personalities, adjustments and compromises are going to be doubly difficult. But I believe we’ll get there with God’s help and commitment and dedication on our parts.

And so far, I learned that to make a marriage work both of you have to work hard at it! And I started reading “The Compleat Marriage” book recently and it enlightened me more about marriage and how it should be. The preface of the book says “Take a dozen wedded couples, and four will jump overboard; six will stay on deck without joy or love because of children, careers, family, and church; and only two will enjoy a compleat marriage.” I certainly hope that we will be among the couples who will enjoy the compleat marriage. 

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