January 28, 2009

Good Read: The Story of Two Teardrops

When my mind is becoming drained from writing about auto parts, I give myself a little break by reading inspiring stories. This is one story that made an impact on me today. It states realities about love that I never would have been able to put into words. It's from gagirl.com.

The Story of Two Teardrops

Two little teardrops were floating down the river of life. One drop said to the other, "I am the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him." Who are you? "Well, I am the teardrop of the girl who won him."

Love is very strange. Love is unconditional commitment to an imperfect individual. You need it but when you love, it's like destining yourself for pain. You become addicted and dependent on the person. You become strong and at the same time, you open yourself up to being hurt. Love can make you bear any kind of pain and any kind of sacrifice. It can also make you feel stupid and act stupidly. Sometimes when you love and end up giving so much of yourself, subconciously you only discover how much you've given when the person you love hurts you or has to say goodbye.

Then you realize, an important part of yourself is already with that person. It goes away when he leaves and you are left with a sickening, empty feeling inside.

Tears are bound to shed from your eyes no matter how you force yourself to keep them in. Most teardrops ever shed on this earth have been for love or lack of it. When tears dry, a silent loss sticks to your heart for a long, long time.

Well, that's what you get for caring so much about someone. But how can you regret it? To give yourself freely and lovingly is the most beautiful thing you can do. Loving
makes you real. Loving also makes you cry.
And that is why a teardrop is also BEAUTIFUL.

Author Unknown


honey said...

Tears are beautiful, but I do really hope that the tears of pain, of loneliness, and/or of all the sad feelings would not there. It's painful to see the one you love cry in agony..

However, sheding tears will help people cope with the pain. I'm grateful for that.

I love the story. *smiles*

Rhyz said...

@ honey,

I'm glad you like the story. Yes, it's really true that tears help us cope with the pain. after the tears we are ready to smile again :-)